If you are interested in getting involved with the music, please contact our Music Director or Organist. They would love to hear from you.
Philosophy of Music
Music has always played an important role throughout church history. It supports the various aspects of the service. Our music selection makes use of all eras of church music from Gregorian chant to some of the best examples of modern hymnody. The hymns are chosen in regards to the Church Year, the lessons for that Sunday, and in accordance with the Liturgy.
The resource that we currently use is the The Hymnal of 1940. It is able to provide the necessarily resources for the liturgy with a wide selection of hymns. Consequently, it pairs well with the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. In accordance with the above we find that the leadership of a choir with organ sufficient for the needs of the service. We, however, do welcome other instruments as part of the music leading during special times of the church year.

Music Director
Dan Hovsepian