Clergy & Vestry

Father Paul Kolisch

Father Paul “read for Orders,” and was ordained at St. Dunstan’s in 2007. He has served as an Assistant Priest and Interim Rector. He was graduated from the State University of NY at Brockport with a Biology major. He recently retired from flying and training pilots at an airline, and accepted the call to be Rector of St. Dunstan’s. He continues to consult aviation operators in the area of training and simulation. Father Paul and Jean were married in 1971, and they have three grown children and six grandchildren. Jeannie is usually found assuring that Fr. Paul is where he is supposed to be and helping him do what needs to be done. Prior to his call to Holy Orders, Fr. Paul had served as a lay missioner among the deaf in Western NY and in NC. Since his ordination, the healing ministry has been the most surprising and rewarding experience. When not reading or writing, Fr. Paul and Jeannie enjoy travelling – especially to see their grandchildren in NC and GA.

Assistant Priest
Father Chris

Father Christopher has been an Anglican priest for nine years. He was trained at Nashotah House seminary in Wisconsin and has a MS in Criminal Justice from St. Cloud State University and BA in History from St. Johns University. He is a former United States Marine Corps Officer and lives in the greater Minneapolis area with his wife, children, dog, and chickens. He was drawn to Anglicanism from a deep regard for the historic church, tradition, orthodoxy, and the Anglo-Catholic style of worship which values beauty and reverence

VestryTerm Expiring
Robert Davenport, Senior WardenJanuary 2026
Barnes Murphy, Junior WardenJanuary 2026
Dawn DeNioJanuary 2027
J. Dan HovsepianJanuary 2027
Tara KeehrJanuary 2027
Rhianwyn HageJanuary 2028
Barb MyersJanuary 2028
<open>Clerk of the Vestry
David OstenTreasurer